3 May 2007


I shaved off my beard. It wasn't really a beard. I didn't cultivate it. It was just the result of inaction with an overpriced stick of plastic with some sharp bits in it.

I have always been curious as to what I'd look like with a 'Nick Mason'. If you've ever seen Pink Floyd's Live in Pompeii you'll know what I mean. So, now I know. I look like Nick Mason circa 1972. I don't know what else I expected, really.

The tash felt good. There was a slightly odd 'wind drag' effect as I descended stairs. My smooth chin felt cold and felt as if it was deflecting the air onto the rough 'drops' of my new tash. I'd be interested to explore the theory in a wind tunnel.

Here are a few famous drop bar tashes. have I missed anyone?

Nick Mason - Pink Floyd

Lemmy - Motorhead

Also, Echoes, Part 1 - see the Nick Mason moustache in action!

Derek Smalls from Spinal Tap

I don't think this strictly counts myself…


elizabeth said...

looks kinda scary to me. hows it workin for you?

elizabeth said...

maybe you should not post that last comment....I was just a little surprised by the picture...thats all.